St Peter's Kindergarten is a Child Safe Environment and we work to ensure the safety of all children and staff. Learn More

Welcome to
St Peter's Kindergarten

Our Philosophy
St Peter’s Kindergarten provides a nurturing environment in which children can develop lifelong skills for learning, through connections with family, community and the environment.
Through a balanced approach of intentional teaching and child-directed learning, children learn organically through play and exploration. Reflecting children’s individuality, capability and resourcefulness, we offer a range of open-ended experiences which connect exploration and discovery with a positive sense of self.
We respect and actively promote inclusion and diversity of the children and their families who are part of our community. With a large part of our learning happening in the outdoor space, our beautiful natural setting supports diversity, embeds First Nations Perspectives and a sustainable approach to early childhood education.
We support children in developing skills for life to look after themselves, each other and the planet.
Our Program
Three-Year-Old Group
3YO Bilbies
15 hours per week
Funded Program
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
(7.5 Hours)
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
(7.5 Hours)
Four-Year-Old Group
4YO Kangaroos
15 hours per week
Funded Program
8.30 am - 4.00pm
(7.5 Hours)
8:30 am - 4:00pm
(7.5 Hours)
Four-Year-Old Group
4YO Additional Day
7.5 hours per week
Unfunded Day
8:30 am - 4:00pm
(7.5 hours)